Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Penang: Pendekar Musytar

What can be sweeter than three high school friends driving hours from home to pick you up for dinner on a week night just because they missed you? Exactly. Not much. Rozette, Azy and Mazerq came all the way from mainland to take me out for dinner in Penang. Rozette and Azy both have an early day at work tomorrow while Mazerq, the house wife, came with a baby in tow. I felt so touched.
Anyways, Pendekar Musytar was a warrior whose character was used exhaustively in classical Malay movies, specifically P. Ramlee's Bujang Lapok series. A character. Or so I thought. So according my high school junior, Keirun, who also happened to be my toing, this guy really existed and he happened to be her husband's great grandfather!

So that was where we went for dinner. We had nasi lemak kukus at Keirun's husband's stall and the nasi lemak is out of this world! I couldn't believe I got to meet friends I haven't met in years! After dinner and bidding farewell to Keirun, Azy took us for a drive around the island. Honestly her driving sent my kidneys switching positions a couple of times, but considering she just learned to drive after ordeals in her life, I'd say wow! Azy is a survivor!

I walked a whole lot today. I haven't walked this much in such a long time. I am so knackered. But my joy offset the exhaustion and I can honestly say I feel so alive!

I need to travel more. I can see myself going to places with friends who would be happy to receive me: Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Texas, and Brazil.

Now, if only I can afford it. Lol

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